From now on, if you pledge just $2 per month to my Patreon, you’ll have not only my undying gratitude but also something almost as valuable: a monthly personalised book recommendation emailed to you, for as long as you keep supporting me. At the $5 level, you’re also free to choose to receive these recommendations via a handwritten note in the post.

I’ll ask you to get in touch and tell me three books you love and anything else you think I need to know (areas of interest, genres you hate, your determination to read more books in translation, your preference for paperbacks…), and on the 1st of every month I’ll send you a personalised book recommendation — usually books that I’ve personally read and loved.

If you’re looking for something a bit different to fill a metaphorical stocking with this December, you’re also welcome to pledge in someone else’s name — and let them take the reward, for a gift that keeps on giving.