Our guest today is bestselling novelist Milly Johnson, who’s the author of many books of romantic fiction, most recently I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day. Milly has had a fascinating career, including as a greetings card joke writer, and I hope you’ll enjoy learning about that as much as I did! She talks to us about Christmas themed-book recommendations, why her latest book is her favourite of hers, her time ghost writing for Purple Ronnie, and more.

Read Milly Johnson’s interview on the blog here.

You can listen to the episode here,

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Books Mentioned on the Podcast:

(All availalble in the UK here)

I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday, by Milly Johnson UK / US / Worldwide

Unscripted, by Claire Handscombe UK / US / Worldwide

The Yorkshire Pudding Club, by Milly Johnson UK / US / Worldwide

The Birds and the Bees, by Milly Johnson UK / US / Worldwide

The Queen of Wishful Thinking, by Milly Johnson UK / US / Worldwide

For My Best Friend Forever, by Purple Ronnie UK / US / Worldwide

Never Kiss a Man in a Christmas Jumper, by Debbie Johnson UK / US / Worldwide

The World at My Feet, by Catherine Isaac UK / US / Worldwide

Christmas For Beginners, by Carole Matthews UK / US / Worldwide

Let’s Meet on Platform 8, by Carole Matthews UK / US / Worldwide

I Heart Christmas, by Lindsey Kelk UK / US / Worldwide

Seven Days of Us, by Francesca Hornak UK / US / Worldwide

The Adults, by Caroline Hulse UK / US / Worldwide

The Little Library Christmas, by Kate Young UK / US / Worldwide

Seven Kinds of People You Meet in Bookshops, by Shaun Blythell UK / US / Worldwide

The Flip Side, by James Bailey UK / US / Worldwide

Black History Walks, by Tony Warner UK / US / Worldwide

Erin’s Diary, by Lisa McGee UK / US / Worldwide


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Lots of Christmas themed books collected for your reading pleasure here!

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Buy Claire’s novel, Unscripted.

Questions? Comments? Need a book recommendation? Email Claire at [email protected]


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