If you have a bookworm in your life, I’m here to help you pick the perfect gift for them — whether that’s books or bookish accessories. After all, being a bookworm is not just about reading — it’s a way of life!
With Libro.fm, you can choose 3-month, 6-month, or 12-month subscriptions. Your recipient chooses the audiobooks, one every month, and your gift supports an independent bookshop, too. (These are available worldwide, not just the US!)

Save them from the fate of shoving random bits of paper in their books to mark a page. This fun one is from Etsy, where you can find all kinds of gifts for readers.
Find all sorts of puzzles and games at The Literary Gift Company, along with all kinds of stocking fillers.

Because tea or coffee should never be far away when you’re reading.
This one is from Zazzle — from my own Brit Lit Podcast shop, in fact. And there are plenty more where that came from!
A Reading Journal
A place to record bookish thoughts is always great — and this journal is particularly beautiful. (Buy in UK / Buy in US)
Find lots more ideas for gifts here in the UK and here in the US.

And, of course, Books!
This may sound like an obvious gift, but it’s not always easy to buy books for people who read a lot.
But here’s some help!
Firstly, you can ask me for personalised recommendations. Use this form and I’ll send you 3-5 book titles.
And here are a few lists I’ve put together.
Certain books get a lot of press and a bit marketing budget. An avid reader will see them all over Instagram and probably already have them on their radar if not already on their bedside table. But books by smaller publishers might fly under the radar — you might find something there that your person will love AND never have heard of. (UK only)

But if they’re less up to date with the publishing world, or you can sneak a look at their shelves and check what they already have, they might love a big book from this year. Here are some of my personal recommendations. (Buy in UK / Buy in US)

And here are some of my favourites from the last decade or so — quality reads I still think and talk about, some of them less well known and maybe missing from your person’s bookshelves! (Buy in UK / Buy in US)

And if you have a little person in your life, here’s some inspiration.

You can browse more of my lists in the UK here and the US here.
Lots more great gifts available, here, too!

Note that many links in this post are affiliate links, enabling me to earn a small commission. I really appreciate the support!