Book Riot is celebrating Arthur Conan Doyle’s birthday today. They ask: Who owns Sherlock Holmes? They round up female Victorian detectives. And in honour of Sherlock and Watson, they suggest three books with dynamic duos.

They also list ten great women in the Sherlock Holmes canon. They investigate Conan Doyle’s interest in fairies. They ask: which literary detective do you prefer — Sherlock Holmes or Nero Wolfe? And because we all love a good quiz, they help you figure out which Sherlock Holmes character you are.

Lit Hub is at it too: they round up the best 12 Sherlock Holmes stories according to Conan Doyle. And The Week has picked its own 7 favourites.

Also on Lit Hub: why Jane Austen’s concerns about marriage are still relevant.

A copyright row has erupted over an unpublished autobiography of late Sex Pistols manager Malcolm McLaren.

A letter from John Le Carré reveals his contempt for the political classes.