Looking for something a bit different to give as a gift this winter?

I know I gave it away in the headline, but: enter audiobooks.

Audiobooks are wonderful for a lot of reasons: they help you fill the nooks and crannies of your day with stories, giving you a chance to take in more books than you would otherwise; they brighten up otherwise mindless tasks; they let you literally hear the voice of the author and enter the world of the story; they’re a great way to read when you are tired or to wind down at the end of the day; and last but not least in this bizarre year, they drown out that voice of anxiety in your head.

Who wouldn’t want to find that in their stocking?

If you’ve been listening to the Brit Lit Podcast you’ll probably know that the show is sponsored by Libro.fm, the audiobooks company which profit shares with local bookshops, providing them with a much-needed source of income in these strange and uncertain times.

And gift memberships are available through Libro.fm!

The recipient of your gift will be able to choose one audiobook per month for as long as the membership lasts (you can choose one, three, six, or twelve months).

They’ll also be able to choose a bookshop to support.

It’s also good news for audiobook fans everywhere!

If you’re in the UK (or anywhere other than the US) and you’ve previously been frustrated that a membership option is not available to you, a gift membership does away with that restriction.

That means that not only can you buy gift memberships to Libro.fm for people you love, you can also buy one for yourself! AND by using this link, you’ll be sending some $$ to the Brit Lit Podcast AND supporting an independent bookshop in the US.

If you’re not sure which bookshop to choose, I’m partial to East City Bookshop, where I work in Washington, DC. Vroman’s, in Pasadena, recently put out an SOS and I’ve spent many happy hours there too, and would love to see them pull through this difficult time with flying colours. And if you want to support a Black-owned bookstore with your gift membership, you can choose one from this list.

To recap, the advantages of gift memberships are as follows:

  • An original gift
  • But a gift that still enables the recipient to choose just what they want!
  • A gift that keeps on giving, for three, six, or twelve months
  • Support the Brit Lit Podcast with real $ for each gift membership sold
  • Support an independent bookshop with real $ — a twelve-month membership will net them $90!

There’s more information here, or you can contact me with any questions, too, and I’ll do my best to answer them!

And remember: October is the new December.

Shop early; shop local; and let’s keep our beloved bookshops in business.