On Episode 60, our guest today is Clare Pooley, who’s known for her blog Mummy Was a Secret Drinker. She’s the author most recently of the heart-warming novel The Authenticity Project. Clare Pooley and I talked about up lit, the importance of community, how writing a novel compares to writing a memoir, and more.

You can listen to the episode here,

or Spotify, or iTunes,

or wherever else you get your podcasts.

Books Mentioned on the Podcast:

The Authenticity Project, by Clare Pooley

Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine, by Gail Honeyman

Three Hours, by Rosamund Lipton

Saving Missy/The Love Story of Missy Carmichael, by Beth Morrey

One Day in December, by Josie Silver

The Two Lives of Lydia Bird, by Josie Silver

The Light we Lost, by Jill Santopolo

https://amzn.to/3b3qM3nOne True Loves, by Taylor Jenkins Reid

If I Never Met You, by Mhairi McFarlane

Island Stories: an Unconventional History of Britain by David Reynolds

The World According to Physics, by Jim Al-Khalili

Unscripted, by Claire Handscombe



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