On episode 58, we hear Erin Somers, the American author of Stay Up with Hugo Best. From time to time on the podcast, I interview people who are not British, for their take on UK books and culture, and it was great to chat to Erin about what differentiates British humour from American humour in particular.

You can listen to the episode here,

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or wherever else you get your podcasts.

Books Mentioned on the Podcast:

Stay Up with Hugo Best, by Erin Somers

Girl, Woman, Other, by Bernadine Evaristo

Spring, by Ali Smith

Women Talking, by Miriam Toews

Love, Nina: A Nanny Writes Home, by Nina Stibbe

Man at the Helm, by Nina Stibbe

The Lido/Mornings with Rosemary, by Libby Page

People Like Us: What it Takes to Make it in Modern Britain, by Libby Page

What Would the Spice Girls Do?, by Lauren Bravo

How To Break Up With Fast Fashion: A guilt-free guide to changing the way you shop - for good, by Lauren Bravo.

People Like Us, by Hashi Mohamed

Miss Austen, by Gill Hornby

Harry Potter Knitting Magic: The Official Harry Potter Knitting Pattern Book, by Tanis Grey

Unscripted, by Claire Handscombe


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