This fortnight’s guest on the Brit Lit Podcast is David Nicholls, whose romcom Love, Unscripted came out recently in the UK and will be published in the US early in 2020. It’s an excellent read about an idealistic, somewhat bewildered young film nerd trying to figure out why his relationship has fizzled out and what he can do about it. If you liked High Fidelity by Nick Hornby, Love, Unscripted is for you!

If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you’ll now I also had a book come out earlier this year, with a very similar title! And I’m running a Giveaway — if you’ve bought mine, I’ll enter you into a Giveaway to win Love, Unscripted too. Here’s how to enter:

If you’d like an extra entry, feel free to post something on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #UnscriptedNovel and tagging @britlitpodcast. (One extra entry per post.)

I’ll email the winner in early October to let them know — if you’re in the UK, you’ll get a finished copy; in the US, you’ll get an advance review copy.