Jennifer Ryan was the first ever guest on this podcast, when she talked to me about her wonderful debut novel, The Chilbury Ladies’ Choir. She’s back now with a newly published second novel, also set during the Second World War, called The Spies of Shilling Lane
We talked about the woman who inspired the novel, the importance of the British stiff upper lip in the second world war, why women made great spies in that period, and more.
You can listen to the episode here,
or wherever else you get your podcasts.
Books Mentioned on the Podcast:
The Chilbury Ladies’ Choir, by Jennifer Ryan
The Spies of Shilling Lane, by Jennifer Ryan
Lilac Girls, by Martha Hall Kelly
Lost Roses, by Martha Hall Kelly
Mother Ship, by Francesca Segal
The Innocents, by Francesca Segal
The Binding, by Bridget Collins
Dressed: The Secret Life of Clothes, by Dr Shahida Bari
Sofia Khan is Not Obliged, by Ayisha Malik
This Green and Pleasant Land, by Ayisha Malik
The Body Lies, by Jo Baker
Longbourn, by Jo Baker
Unscripted, by Claire Handscombe
(A note on my book links: they usually take you to Amazon, and I get a few pence per sale at no extra cost to you if you click them and buy from there, which will help me make this podcast viable long-term. But better than Amazon, who are, let’s be honest, not the greatest, is Blackwells or Waterstones, or, even better, your local independent bookshop. If you live in the US or elsewhere further afield, you can find UK books at Book Depository (also owned by Amazon) at a good price and with no postage cost, or sometimes at, or you can buy them from Amazon US, or, even better, an independent bookshop.)
Buy Claire’s novel, Unscripted.
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Jennifer Ryan