Laura Mucha studied psychology, philosophy and flying trapeze, worked as a face painter,and swam in Antarctica before becoming a lawyer for an international law firm. Then, when she was hit by a car aged 29, she decided to change career – she’s now an award-winning poet, author, broadcaster, performer and speaker, and most recently the author of the fabulously named book Love Factually, which is about the science of who, how, and why we love.
Laura was so much fun to talk to, and full of wisdom too. We covered some big topics in this interview – love, death, and poetry among them – and she also mentioned some fascinating-sounding books about creativity. I don’t think it’s an overstatement to say that there may well be a gem or two in this interview that could change your life.
You can listen to the episode here,
or wherever else you get your podcasts.
Books Mentioned on the Podcast:
Love, Factually/Love Understood, by Laura Mucha
Out on the Wire: The Storytelling Secrets of the New Masters of Radio, by Jessica Abel
A Poem for Every Day of the Year, by Esiri Ali
With the End in Mind: Dying, Death, and Wisdom in an Age of Denial, by Kathryn Mannix
Unscripted, by Claire Handscombe
Saturday Night at the Movies: The Extraordinary Partnerships Behind Cinema’s Greatest Scores, by Jennifer Nelson
The Science of Fate: Why Your Future is More Predictable Than You Think, by Hannah Critchlow
This Is Going to Hurt: Secret Diaries of a Junior Doctor, by Adam Kay
Hard Pushed: A Midwife’s Story, by Leah Hazard
Don’t Touch My Hair, by Emma Dabiri
Faber & Faber: The Untold Story, by Toby Faber
Girl, Woman, Other, by Bernadine Evaristo
(A note on my book links: they usually take you to Amazon, and I get a few pence per sale at no extra cost to you if you click them and buy from there, which will help me make this podcast viable long-term. But better than Amazon, who are, let’s be honest, not the greatest, is Blackwells or Waterstones, or, even better, your local independent bookshop. If you live in the US or elsewhere further afield, you can find UK books at Book Depository (also owned by Amazon) at a good price and with no postage cost, or sometimes at, or you can buy them from Amazon US, or, even better, an independent bookshop.)
Buy Claire’s novel, Unscripted.
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Laura Mucha