The Guardian Books Clinic reports on the best Gothic tales from the North of England.
When screens are more appealing than books, we need to teach children how to be ‘biliterate’, argues the Telegraph.
The Guardian rounds up the best new books for children and teens.
The BBC recommends the best books of November.
Stylist also has its take on November’s top reads.
In The Scottish Sun, The Very Hungry Caterpillar author Eric Carle reveals how his dad reading to him as a young boy helped forge his writing career.
The Riff Raff, guests on episode 7 of the Brit Lit Podcast, continue to do great things for writers.
Faber is to publish “Mary Ventura and the Ninth Kingdom”, a previously unpublished short story written by Sylvia Plath as a college assignment in 1952, as part of its Faber Stories series celebrating the house’s 90th anniversary.
In today’s Budget, the Chancellor has confirmed a cut to business rates and scheduled an ‘Amazon tax’ for 2020.
Analysts are predicting a good Christmas season for books.
As the new Staunch prize sets out to reward thrillers that shun brutality against women, Sarah Moss, author of Ghost Wall, explains how she writes about violence.