It’s time to look forward to what 2018 has to offer in new books, and Stylist has a list of 20 books not to miss.

Announced too late to make the list, but one to look out for is Kate Atkinson’s new novel, Transcription, based on the life of a female former Secret Service worker.

The Cursed Child‘s award-winning actor Jamie Parker wasn’t a Harry Potter fan and hadn’t read all the books before he got the role. He spoke to the Evening Standard about his new-found love for the stories.

Would you, or someone you know, like a monthly personalised book recommendation from me? Your wish is my command.

The Brit Lit Podcast spoke to Lindsey Kelk in episode 4, “I Am a Bookcase Snob“. She has a fun competition going on Twitter.

On Book Riot, one writer shares why she loves Anne Bronte— and thinks you should too.

Doris Lessing’s Nobel prize medal, won in 2007 for “subject[ing] a divided civilisation to scrutiny … with scepticism, fire and visionary power”, is to be sold at auction next week.

International publishing house And Other Stories, which recently relocated to Sheffield, has underlined its commitment to the North of England by getting behind a new prize for northern writing.

Sparked by backlash over the 2017 Carnegie longlist in February, which did not include a single black, Asian or minority ethnic (BAME) writer, a report has found that a change in culture must take place in the way the CILIP Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Children’s Book Awards are administered “with no more buck passing“. Well, yes.

Best of 2017

The Evening Standard rounds up the year’s best books about London.

They also have the best gardening books of 2017.


The guest on this week’s Spectator Books is Masha Gessen, author of The Future is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia.

Writer Viv Groskop talks Russia too, as part of Woman’s Hour series on revolutionary women.