The collapse of a Russian bank has raised questions for Waterstones, though the bookshop chain’s managing director, James Daunt, has denied it will have any impact.
After Lola Olufemi’s call to ‘decolonise’ Cambridge’s English literature curriculum, The Guardian asked readers which black and minority ethnic writers should be studied. They round up their favourite suggestions. Nikesh Shukla has recommendations, too. Olufemi has accused the Telegraph of inciting racial hatred. She talks to Jenni Murray about the experience on today’s Woman’s Hour.
The Guardian has tips for how to use picture books to get the children in your classroom to talk about emotions.
Marian Keyes shares makeup tips on The Pool.
Stylist collects the most profound Moomins quotes for all moments in life.
Jessica Townsend’s Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow will be adapted for screen by the Oscar-nominated writer of “The Martian”.
Gaby Hinsliff reviews Shami Chakrabarti’s Of Women, arguing that it provides a welcome global perspective on gender injustice.
The Spectator Books podcast talks to Philip Collins, author of When They Go Low, We Go High, about the art of speechwriting and its importance to democracy.
Book Shambles With Robin and Josie has had its first live show, with a panel of science writers as their guests.
The latest episode of the TLS podcast dicusses punk writer Kathy Acker as well as the Harvey Weinsteins of publishing.
On the Spectator’s Back Half, Tom Gatti interviews George Saunders, winner of the Man Booker Prize.