Better Start Bradford’s book giving project, Better Start Imagine, will provide a free book every month to children born after 1 January 2016 until their fourth birthday.
The BBC recommends 10 books to read in October.
Amazon haters, rejoice: they might be about to be hit with a lot of back taxes.
The winners of this year’s British Psychological Society Book Award have been announced.
“As much a tale of sibling rivalry as it is an epic journey, all wrapped up in a mellifluous French creole”, Sugar Money by Jane Harris is excerpted on The Pool this week.
Book Riot has a piece in praise of Gabriel Oak of Far from the Madding Crowd.
Herefordshire’s Aadvark Books, St Boswell’s the Mainstreet Trading Company and Oswestry’s Booka Bookshop are among the 10 destinations chosen to be showcased as “perfect bookshops for a date” on Bookshop Day (7th October).
The Guardian’s Book Club has thoughts on Margaret Drabble’s Jerusalem the Golden, in which Clara must balance the demands of family with the opportunities of education — but those dilemmas have grown tougher since 1967.
Award-winning author Rachel Botsman is the guest on this week’s Penguin Books podcast.
On Front Row, Matt Lucas talks to Stig Abell about his autobiography Little Me: My life from A-Z.
On Guardian Books, Orhan Pamuk and Nicole Krauss talk about their new books, The Red-Haired Woman and Forest Dark.