Red online rounds up 10 unlikely literary heroines to fall in love with in this year’s books.
The Guardian has a list of top 10 twists in fiction.
“Reading together as a family is a wonderful alternative to screen time and a really practical way to bond with children,” argues Debbie Hicks in the Yorkshire Post. And help is at hand from the Stoke Sentinel, which has suggestions for the best books to get children reading.
Nursery school children in Bradford have received their first books from Canterbury Imagine, a charity which “aims to help to improve literacy, emotional development, educational attainment and life chances by providing a free book through the post every month from birth until the child’s fifth birthday”. They’re always looking for more sponsors.
The British publishing industry has reached a milestone this week.
Sukhdev Sandhu reviews Lovers and Strangers: An Immigrant History of Postwar Britain, by Clair Willia.
In praise of 3 am to 6 am: prolific novelist Alexander McCall is one of the most productive authors writing today.