Happy National Book Lovers’ Day!

Metro has reading suggestions to match your holiday destination.

The Guardian rounds up some great books about birds.

The Cambridge news has recommendations for all genres of books set in Cambridgeshire.

1922 was a transformative year for English literature, and four British writers played key roles, says the New York Times.

At Book Riot, one reader writes about why she loves J K Rowling — and wishes she’d stop writing Harry Potter sequels.

From gangsters to Gorbals, Glasgow is still a hard, hard city — and also hard to beat when it comes to crime fiction.

Amazon UK’s sales have soared… and their tax bill has plummeted.

BBC Radio’s Front Row culture review programme which frequently features authors and book-related discussion, is to expand into TV.

The Guardian reviews Elmet, by Fiona Mozley — the wild card on the Man Booker longlist.