Want to make the pretzels from E L Konigsburg’s Mixed Up Files? The Guardian has you covered.

Are things getting worse for women in publishing?

The Spectator Books podcast discusses the lost stories of F Scott Fitzgerald.

A L Kennedy has spoken out against the British attitude towards translated literature and how this lack both feeds into and reflects our increasingly insular mentality.

This week’s Bedtime Book excerpted at The Pool is Midnight Blue by Simone van der Vlugt.

The Dylan Thomas prize has gone to Fiona McFarlane for her short story collection, The High Places.

After two Hollywood failures, 2000AD’s British publisher Rebellion is planning ‘one of the most expensive TV shows the UK has ever seen’ with Mega-City One.

The Guardian reviews Francesca Segal’s The Awkward Age, The Ritual of Dinner by Margaret Visser, and Dismembered: How the Attack on the State Harms Us All by Polly Toynbee and David Walker.