The shortlist for the Man Booker International Prize is out, and so are the picks for the Richard and Judy summer book club.
One of those picks is Jodi Picoult’s Small Great Things, which is featured on the latest Richard and Judy book club podcast episode.
Also new in podcasts: the latest Adventures with Words, in which Kate chats to author Ayisha Malik, author of Sofia Khan Is Not Obliged and The Other Half of Happiness, about her novels, characters, inspirations, and what she’s writing next. And in Spectator Books, Alex Renton talks about Stiff Upper Lip, his books about British boarding schools.
According to a survey by The Bookseller, the Lib Dems have seen a surge in support among those working in the book trade.
The publishing industry has also welcomed Penguin Random House’s decision to pay work experience participants.
The Guardian has a Wind in the Willows inspired recipe for potted beef.