He wants to write like common people (but, like, probably with a bigger advance): Jarvis Cocker has a book deal.
The mood at this year’s London Book Fair has been upbeat and political - perhaps an odd combination. The weak pound is making British books particularly appealing to foreign markets.
Not strictly books, but delightful nonetheless: all hail the Oxford comma.
Pooja Puri, whose YA novel The Jungle set in the Calais refugee camp is out today, shares her top 10 writing tips.
The Guardian reviews The Animators, by American author Karla Rae Whittaker, which came out at the end of January, American memoir The Animators by Ariel Levy, and Mail Men: The Unauthorised Story of the Daily Mail - The Paper that Divided and Conquered Britain, both of which are out today. There’s also a roundup of the best recent science fiction, fantasy, and horror novels.
The shortlists for the Carnegie Medal and the Kate Greenway Illustration medals have been announced.
Also out is the longlist for this year’s Orwell Prize for Books, a £3,000 prize celebrating “the most compelling” political writing of 2016.
As always, all books mentioned can be bought postage-free worldwide at bookdepository.com.