The Waterstones Children’s Prize shortlist has been announced. Hope is a strong theme, and we could all do with some of that at the moment. Finalists include Tiger in a Tutu by Fabi Santiago in Illustrated Books, Time Travelling with a Hamster by Ross Welford in Younger Fiction, and Orangeboy by Patrice Lawrence in Older Fiction.

Darwin and Women by Samantha Evans, published by Cambridge University Press, is the latest book to come out of the Darwin Correspondence Project. Danuta Kean asks if his private letters contradict his public sexism.

There’s not much change at the top of the book charts, but new in at number 3 is The Moment She Left, by Susan Lewis.

You’ll soon be able to use subscriptions to Scribd, Netflix, and Amazon Prime when you’re travelling in Europe. Make the most of it before Brexit…

The latest TLS Voices podcast is here, discussing, among other things, what it is that makes a bestseller.