Choose Life, choose Radio Four: the Today Programme’s John Humphrys pays tribute to Trainspotting.

Ebookadabra is the new ebook subscription app for 3-7-year-olds.

The TLS reviews Take Courage, Samantha Ellis’ recently published book about Anne Bronte.

Also in the TLS, Mary Beard writes about the struggles of clever women, while Michael Saler discusses the history of modern literary fandom, Nancy Campbell explores how poets write letters, and the aptly named Jane Darcy introduces us to the new Jane Austen exhibition at the British Library, which focusses on what the author was like as a teenager.

Lit Hub is celebrating Virginia Woolf’s birthday with an incomplete list of related puns in pop culture.

Also on Lit Hub, an excerpt from Jonathan Coe’s Number 11, out in the US yesterday.

Jill Murphy, creator of the The Worst Witch children’s books, is profiled on Guardian Books today.

Keynes’ economic theory book, The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, has been voted the most influential academic work on British life.

A couple of Burns Night pieces at the Guardian: Burns Night and the Battle over Scottish Identity and an argument by Stuart Kelly that the event celebrates the wrong poet.

WH Smith are reporting strong Christmas sales, thanks in large part to adult spoof humour books.